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TAKE A STAND FOR JUSTICE: A Pre-Inauguration Service of Commitment

New York Ave. Presbyterian Church 1313 New York Ave., NW, Washington, DC

Join people from all over the Washington, DC area to make a pledge to stand up for justice and to resist actions from the new Administration that will harm the most vulnerable. This event is co-sponsored and led by several DC churches, and will focus attention on the need for all of us to be […]

Candlelight Vigil

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

As the nation prepares to inaugurate a new president on January 20th, please join us along 16th Street NW, on Thursday, January 19th from 6 – 7 pm to shine a light for social justice and a livable future.


Reformation Lutheran on Capitol Hill (212 E Capitol Street, NE) is hosting a breakfast and prayer service on the morning of the Women's March on Washington that all Lutherans (and friends) are invited to attend. If you are planning to attend the March, please consider meeting other members of Christ Lutheran Church at Reformation Lutheran […]

Congregational Visioning Workshop

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

This congregational session will take place in the Fellowship Hall.

Worship with Holy Communion / Reconciling in Christ Sunday

See and hear the story of Jesus’ birth and the coming of the wise men as told by the children of our community.  The children’s choir and community orchestra will lead us in singing.   The new Church Council will also be installed today.

Conversations on Faith and Life

Fellowship Hall

Join us for a conversation on how our faith speaks to and through our lives as we discuss the OnBeing podcast, "Love in Action" featuring Congressman and civil rights activist John Lewis. This timely conversation with Krista Tippet focuses on what happened on Bloody Sunday and how it might inform our common life today. We'll […]


Fellowship Hall

VISUAL PRAYER WORKSHOP ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 9:00-10:30AM The monthly series on creative and contemplative prayer continues with an exploration of Visio Divina, which is a visual way of praying. Latin for "Holy Sight" or "Divine Looking," Visio Divina is a Christian prayer practice that creates an openness to encounters with God through visualizing God's […]


Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

As we being our Lenten journey, join us for brunch and feast on homemade pancakes, sausage, homemade applesauce, juice, beverages and dessert. Kids can watch 101 Dalmatians while everyone enjoys this time of fellowship. A free will offering will be collected.  All are welcome!


Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

From Carnegie Hall to Christ Lutheran Church, you won't want to miss The Atlantic Reed Consort -- a quintet comprised of oboe, clarinet, bassoon, bass clarinet and saxophone. Their cutting edge sound and style both embraces the contemporary and adds a new twist to the likes of Bach, Gershwin and Ravel. You can find out […]


Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC


Fellowship Hall

Join us on Wednesday evenings throughout Lent at 6:45 PM in the Fellowship Hall to discuss Dietrich Bonhoeffer's Life Together. This inspiring account of a unique fellowship in an underground seminary during the Nazi occupation of Germany is a classic work on living in Christian community. It also offers practical and challenging advice for our […]


Choir Room

Sunday afternoon, March 12 at 1:30pm, we will have our spring vocal workshop Breathe-Body-Sound, part II, with Dr. Madeline Miskie. The workshop is open to all and you will have a great time learning more about your voice, body, and how they can better work together. Questions? contact our music minister, Joy-Leilani Garbutt,

Walking Prayer Workshop

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

The monthly series on creative and contemplative prayer continues with an exploration of walking prayer. The rhythmic movement of walking can center our breathing, hearts, and minds to facilitate conversations with God. Praying while walking is a centuries-old prayer practice adopted by pilgrims, mystics, religious professionals, and ordinary people alike. We will learn about the […]

Easter Sunday Worship

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

We will celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord with choir and instruments and joyous worship.

Palm Sunday Worship

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

Our worship will focus on Christ's joyful entry into Jerusalem.

Maundy Thursday Seder and Worship

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

On this evening we will gather in the Fellowship Hall for a special Seder highlighting the Jewish roots of our Holy Communion liturgy. We'll eat, pray and sing together. Around 7:45, we will move to the sanctuary for a simple service of Holy Communion. We are reminded of the suffering Jesus endured as the altar is stripped.

Good Friday Worship

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

The service marks the passion of Christ and ends with the nailing of nails into the cross. Christ Lutheran and Our Redeemer Lutheran Churches will be sharing this Good Friday worship service.

Holy Saturday Worship

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

Join us for this simple prayer service in the sanctuary commemorating our Lord's time in the tomb, even as we come to prepare the church for Easter. Please enter through the sanctuary door to worship.

Easter Sunday Breakfast and Egg Hunt

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

Come early and enjoy a delicious breakfast with our church community. Children will have a chance to hunt Easter eggs at 10 AM.

Sunday Morning Choir

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

Come early and learn a new song to sing at worship with us!

Earth Sunday Worship

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

Community Garden Planning

Interested in helping start our community garden? We will meet in the Chapel at noon to share hopes, dreams, ideas so that we can get growing. All ages are welcome. You don't have to have a green thumb, just a willingness to touch the earth!

All-Bach Organ Concert by Erik Wm. Suter

Christ Lutheran Church 5101 16th Street, NW, Washington, DC

Don't miss this all Bach concert by internationally renowned organist, Erik Wm. Suter.