This week we are delighted to hear from CLC member Christine Lightner as she plays “O God Beyond All Praising” with Joy-Leilani Garbutt, our Music Minister! Click here for a listen.

Here’s the most recent news from stained glass craftsman, Andrew Goldkuhle, who has been repairing our stained glass window in the choir loft.

In her most recent pastor message, Bishop Eaton writes: “In our longing to be church together, let us be even more intentional in sharing with each other, easing each other’s…

Singer-songwriter LEA visited Christ Lutheran Church in 2018 to perform on our concert series. She continues to make beautiful music and we wanted to share this short and uplifting piece called WHEN I RISE that she just released.

This month the women’s book group will be reading THE VIRGIN OF PRINCE STREET: EXPEDITIONS INTO DEVOTION by Sonya Livingston.