
Worship brings us together,

renews our spirits, and sends us into the world refreshed and ready to live God’s love.

We’re always learning and growing

in God’s word and ways.


We have a heart for service

and lots of opportunities, like delivering food to neighbors in need.


Faith and fun come together

in Vacation Bible School.

Upcoming Events

We are a “Reconciling in Christ” congregation. We believe that the Good News of God’s grace is for all, regardless of age, abilities, physical and mental health, race, sexual orientation, gender identity, education, income or strength of faith. There is nothing we do, have done or will do, that can separate us from God. God makes no exceptions, nor do we. Come join us in praise, prayer and the work of our Lord!

Service of Holy Communion

Sunday @ 10:30 a.m.

5101 16th St. NW. Washington DC, 20011

On Sundays, we invite you to join us as we worship in-person and online. Please click here to join the service.

Facebook Live Worship – Sunday, 10:30 AM

Permission to podcast/stream the music in this service obtained from ONE LICENSE, License #A-701279.


“Next, the angel showed me the river of the water of life, sparkling like crystal,…

The Food and Hygiene Pantry began in 2016 as a six-month trial with Housing Up…

David Blakemore writes: I have been privileged to participate, along with other members of CLC,…

Recent Sermons

Be Opened!

September 12, 2024. Category: Pastor Renata Eustis

Lord, To Whom Can We Go?

September 6, 2024. Category: Pastor Renata Eustis


Peace Camp The weeks leading up to Peace Camp were anything but peaceful! Our leadership…

A candlelight prayer vigil organized by Pastor Melody was featured on NBC4 News Saturday, February…

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