We are holding vigils every Friday during the month of June on 16th Street. The goal is to bring people together (safely!) from various congregations, organizations, and neighborhoods to take a public action against racism and police violence. This is our public, prayerful, meditative response to the murder of George Floyd (and far too many more), as well as our way of being in solidarity with the people protesting in downtown DC and across the country.

As we celebrate Black Music Month this June, our weekly musical reflection comes from composer Florence Price, whose fascinating life story includes being the first African-American woman to have her music performed by a major symphony orchestra. Adoration, originally for organ solo, is reimagined for cello and piano and features the first socially-distant live recording in our series.

Uncertain times call for big dreams. This summer at CLC we are calling all singers, dancers, artists, storytellers, students, parents, and anyone else who wants to join us as we create our first ever online summer musical production: JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT, and stitching together a digital performance throughout the summer.

This week’s musical reflection, “Lament, Love, and Fire”, is inspired by Vicar Kevin’s “Litany of Lament” that we prayed on Pentecost. Click here for a listen.

Racial Justice Trainings | Race Forward – Building Racial Equity | August 20, 2020

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