The Christ Lutheran Church Adult Choir holds regular Thursday evening rehearsals at 7:30pm. If you have not sung with the choir before and are interested in joining us, please get in touch with Erik, the Minister of Music, at or by phone at 630-849-4597.

Our annual stewardship appeal, Growing Together In Christ, is coming to a close. The final step? Submit your Statement of Intent for 2022 with the offering you are best able to give in the year ahead. You should have received an intent card by mail. Simply fill it out and mail it to the church office. Or, if you prefer, you may fill out an online intent form by clicking the picture. Thank you for supporting our ministries!

Creation is amazing! Take some fallen leaves, grass clipping, yard waste, add a little water and air and what do you get? Black gold! (otherwise known as compost). Composting is…

© 2025 Lutheran Church Washington D.C

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