Our Mission
We are gathered by God in Christ, called to bear witness to God’s creative, redeeming, and sanctifying activity in our world.
We gather for worship as a part of the whole people of God, praising God with choir, organ, banners and bells, to hear the promise of God’s word to us, to speak God’s word to one another, to be united with the redemptive death and resurrection of Christ in the one loaf and cup of this feast.
We seek to grow in understanding of the biblical witness to God’s saving work in Christ, through serious study, open discussion, and honest questioning for members at all stages of life.
We commit ourselves to support one another in fulfilling our obligations to family, neighbors and society, to encourage one another to be faithful in our vocations, to seek the wisdom of the Spirit in the issues of our time, to speak Christ’s message of healing to the sick, of comfort to the grieving.
We pledge ourselves to cooperate and work with the whole church and with other congregations in our community, in order to bear effective witness to God’s love, to open our doors and hearts to all the Spirit sends to us, to welcome people from diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds and people of diverse sexual orientations, to invite colleagues, friends and neighbors to our fellowship in this church, to undertake, in the name of Christ, the burden of the needy and abused, to use our resources and properties in the mission of Christ.
May the Spirit of Christ who has gathered us breathe life into our community.