“Next, the angel showed me the river of the water of life, sparkling like crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb. Between the main street and…

The Food and Hygiene Pantry began in 2016 as a six-month trial with Housing Up families in two units (Partner Arms buildings 1 & 2). A third building in Southeast…

David Blakemore writes: I have been privileged to participate, along with other members of CLC, in two walks sponsored by the Ward 4 Anti-gun violence Initiative. The idea is to…

On Saturday, October 5 at 9:30, we will have a blessing of the animals in honor of the feast of St. Francis. St. Francis loved creation and is famous for preaching…

All CLC women are invited to join the next book group meeting on Monday, October 7 at 7 pm. Contact Susy Cheston at susy.cheston@gmail.com for details. We will read Amy Tan’s…

We are delighted to welcome our new Vicar, Rachel Geddes! She completed her divinity studies at Duke University, focusing on community organizing and environmental justice. We are looking forward to…

Peace Camp is designed to engage young people 9-13 years old with values that counter the violence they are exposed to daily. By focusing on self-esteem, conflict resolution, critical thinking,…

Please plan to attend a hearing at CLC on the Draft Social Statement on Civic Life and Faith. The hearing will be held on Wednesday, June 19, at 7:00pm. This…

The Metro D.C. Synod RIC Team participated in the D.C. Pride Parade on Saturday, June 8. Pastor Renata and others from the CLC community joined the Synod RIC Team for this…

Former CLC Minister of Music Joy Garbutt and Boulanger Initiative Co-Founder Laura Colgate will present an evening of music for organ and violin. Announcements about the programmed repertoire will be…

UPDATE: With your help and support, CLC has put together and delivered supply kits to 54 expecting migrant moms over the past year. Next week we will be delivering kits…

Please plan to join us on February 14 for Ash Wednesday services. There will be two services, one at noon in the chapel and one at 7pm in the sanctuary.

Our annual stewardship appeal, Growing Together In Christ, is coming to a close. The final step? Submit your Statement of Intent for 2024 with the offering you are best able…

Each of the 4 Sundays in Advent, we’ll be lifting up one verse of the beloved hymn, O Come, O Come Emmanuel, in song, preaching and special music. We also…

Would you like to gather with our friends down the street this season? Would you like a mid-week opportunity to contemplate the scriptures and themes of Advent? Every Wednesday evening at…

Would you like to incorporate more spiritual practices or a sense of the sacred in your daily life? Come and learn about the practice of walking and travel as a…

A hale and hearty expression of gratitude for help last Sunday loading diapers, wipes and formula for the migrant moms to the storage facility where they can replenish them as…

Join Pastor Renata, Vicar Melody, other CLC folks, clergy and members of neighboring congregations—Tuesday, 1:15 p.m., 5th & Underwood NW.

The gardening group will be sharing the documentary The Ants and The Grasshopper after worship on Sunday, July 16. This documentary weaves together the most urgent themes of our times:…

Some scaffolding is coming down as the workers replacing some of our roofing and stone work begin winding down the project. We are grateful that our beautiful building is receiving…