Join us online at 7:00 PM for a Service with Handwashing and Holy Communion.

Join us online at 7:00 PM for A Service with Candlelight, Passion and Prayers. Hear the passion of Jesus from the Gospel of Luke with prayers and hymns.

Join us online at 11:00 AM for A Service of Prayer and Intercession as we lift up prayers for our community and our world.

Join us online at 10:30 AM for A Service of Holy Communion as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord.

SUNDAY, MARCH 14, 4:00 – 4:30 P.M. Outside, at Nineteenth Street Baptist (on 16th Street, NW at Buchannan)
Houses of Worship along 16th Street will come together in prayer and remembrance of those who have died from Covid 19. Christ Lutheran, First Baptist and Nineteenth Street Baptist will partner in a joint vigil. Please come masked and observe social distancing.

Begin your Lenten journey with us on Ash Wednesday. Worship will be streamed on Facebook Live at 8:00AM, 12 Noon and 7:00PM and will include Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.

We will be gathering on Zoom at 11:30 am and/or 7:00 pm for thirty minutes of prayer each Wednesday in Lent. After brief introductions, we will explore a different prayer practice each week and end with prayers of intercession.

On Sunday, March 28, at 9:00 AM, we will gather on the front lawn of the Christ Lutheran Church for the Blessing of Palms, the reading of the Palm Sunday Gospel and a procession with palms. Participants in this Palm Sunday Celebration will have time to return home with their palms and be able to join online worship at 10:30 AM. Everyone is invited. Please wear your masks and observe social distancing.

On December 5, our Fellowship Hall was transformed into a blood donation center for Children’s Hospital. Eighteen members of CLC and the surrounding community donated blood that will help 65 children in the hospital.

Join us online for worship on Christmas Eve – 4:30PM Family Worship with Holy Communion, 7:15PM Prelude of Carols with organ and cello, 7:30 PM Festival Worship with Holy Communion; Christmas Day – 10:30 AM Service of Lessons and Carols with Holy Communion.

See and hear the story of Jesusʼ birth and the coming of the wise men as told by the children of our community during our virtual worship on Sunday January 3, 2021 at 10:30 AM.

By clicking on the image above, you may access, complete and submit an online version of the Statement of Intent form for our fall stewardship appeal.

On Saturday afternoon, December 19, we will be presenting a socially distanced outdoor musical event featuring a fabulous brass ensemble organized by our own Jess Lightner. The group will play a short set of carols at 2pm, 3pm and 4pm on the front lawn.

Welcome our newest Stephen Minister, Hakeem Hurt, who was commissioned on October 18,2020.

CLC member Cheryl Beversdorf, host of AGING MATTERS, interviews CLC members Ann Marie Nelson and Karin Klingman on her recent television and radio shows.

Thanks to the skilled craftsmanship of Andrew Goldkuhle, the Christ the King window at Christ Lutheran Church has been restored. This window was originally dedicated on November 27,1955 and was a gift of the Wenchel family.

If you would like to listen to all of the musical offerings our CLC team has created since March, you can visit our YouTube channel playlist.

Uncertain times call for big dreams. This summer at CLC we are calling all singers, dancers, artists, storytellers, students, parents, and anyone else who wants to join us as we create our first ever online summer musical production: Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and stitching together a digital performance throughout the summer.

In these tumultuous times, we turn to hymns and spirituals for comfort and encouragement. This week cellist Christine Lightner joins Joy-Leilani Garbutt in an arrangement of “It Is Well With…

We are holding vigils every Friday during the month of June on 16th Street. The goal is to bring people together (safely!) from various congregations, organizations, and neighborhoods to take a public action against racism and police violence. This is our public, prayerful, meditative response to the murder of George Floyd (and far too many more), as well as our way of being in solidarity with the people protesting in downtown DC and across the country.