Would you like to incorporate more spiritual practices or a sense of the sacred in your daily life? Come and learn about the practice of walking and travel as a…

A hale and hearty expression of gratitude for help last Sunday loading diapers, wipes and formula for the migrant moms to the storage facility where they can replenish them as…

Join Pastor Renata, Vicar Melody, other CLC folks, clergy and members of neighboring congregations—Tuesday, 1:15 p.m., 5th & Underwood NW.

The gardening group will be sharing the documentary The Ants and The Grasshopper after worship on Sunday, July 16. This documentary weaves together the most urgent themes of our times:…

Some scaffolding is coming down as the workers replacing some of our roofing and stone work begin winding down the project. We are grateful that our beautiful building is receiving…

Awesome news: Thanks to you, we’ve received at least 20-30 more Amazon boxes!!! Thank you for supporting this much needed ministry.

We’ll be gathering in the garden to plant seeds and seedlings on Sunday, May 7.  Wear your gardening clothes to worship and then enjoy time in God’s good creation!

Our annual stewardship appeal, Growing Together In Christ, is coming to a close. The final step? Submit your Statement of Intent for 2023 with the offering you are best able…

Mr. Andrew Goldkuhle, our stained-glass artisan, reinstalled the 2 Narthex stairwell windows that he renovated. They look wonderful! The cracked glass has been repaired (artistic renovation does not replace, it…

We now have a “Lawn Witness” against gun violence in front of our church, speaking to commuters on 16th Street as well as others passing by. We have received many…

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