Hear the passion of Jesus from the Gospel of Mark with prayers and hymns.

Join us for a time of prayer and reflection as we wait for resurrection and new life.

Celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord as we share the good news from the gospel of Mark, festive hymns and Holy Communion.

Join us for worship on Sunday, March 8, 2020 at 10:30 AM. We’ll be continuing our Lenten Series, PORTRAITS OF COURAGE: FOLLOWING JESUS IN TUMULTUOUS TIMES. This Sunday we’ll focus on Jesus with the sick and worship will include prayers and anointing for healing.

This year our theme is PORTRAITS OF COURAGE: FOLLOWING JESUS IN TUMULTUOUS TIMES. We gather for worship at 7:00 PM in the Chapel. A simple meal, conversation and art making follow at 7:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall. To enhance our conversation, together we will read and discuss JESUS AND THE DISINHERITED by Howard Thurman.

Our beautiful “Christ the King” window is being removed this week so repairs can be made to the lead and glass. Andrew Goldkuhle, stained glass artisan, will be helping to restore this treasure. If you see scaffolding, know that the repairs are underway!

This month the group is reading CATCH AND KILL: LIES, SPIES, AND A CONSPIRACY TO PROTECT PREDATORS by Ronan Farrow.

Join us for a pre-Lenten brunch featuring made-from-scratch pancakes, homemade applesauce, sausage, juice, dessert and beverages. A free-will offering will go toward replacing the floor in our lower level.

Ash Wednesday is February 26, 2020. We will gather at noon in the Chapel and 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary for a service with Imposition of Ashes and Holy Communion.

The Women’s Book Group invites you to read along with them. February 25: INSPIRED: SLAYING GIANTS, WALKING ON WATER, AND LOVING THE BIBLE AGAIN by Rachel Held Evans.

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