We’ll celebrate the gifts and challenges of life on planet earth this Sunday through hymns, prayers and preaching.
We also invite you to view a film called The Human Element and join us later for a zoom discussion. Our faith traditions teach us that we are not separate from creation; we are part of it. In an arresting new documentary from the producers of Racing Extinction and Chasing Ice, environmental photographer James Balog captures the lives of everday Americans on the front lines of climate change. With rare compassion and heart, The Human Element relays captivating stories from coast-to-coast, inspiring us to reevaluate our relationship with the natural world.
Due to the coronavirus restrictions on gatherings, the Earth Vision Institute and James Balog, the filmmaker of The Human Element are offering a link to view the film for free from home between April 17 and 26.
Click here to sign up to view the film at home. Interfaith Power and Light will email you the password and link to view the film on April 17. People filling out this form from April 17 – 26 will get an autoreply with the link to view.
We’ll gather in a zoom chat on Wednesday, April 29 at 7:30 PM for a discussion of the film and actions we might take as individuals and as a faith community to respond to the issues of climate change in our community. Questions? Contact Pastor Lee at clcoffice@verizon.net.