This summer we are pleased to announce a new musical opportunity for the Christ Lutheran Church community, neighbors, friends, and anyone who would like to attend.
The Summer Music Adventure will take place July 31-August 3 from 6-8pm. The experience is designed for children entering first through eighth grade, and will be a fun week of learning, singing, and playing. Each night we will have a variety of activities that will introduce kids to different aspects of music-making. We will sing together and learn a new song over the course of the week. We will play hand bells and discover different ways to make them ring. Fun music games will help us learn about reading music and how to interpret different musical symbols. A special music-themed art activity will also be part of our time together. Guests will introduce us to new musical instruments and tell us how they work!
The Summer Music Adventure is free, but registration is requested by Monday, July 24. For registration, other questions, or if you would like to volunteer in some way, please contact Joy at