For months, we’ve been collecting and sorting baby items and clothing for newly arrived migrants. On Tuesday, I had the opportunity to accompany several migrant families as they met with DC government officials. This effort, organized by the Migrant Solidarity Mutual Aid Network, was an opportunity to bring advocacy and direct aid together. We were there because the DC government has stopped providing emergency shelter to these families who are in the U.S. legally, seeking political asylum.
Hearing the stories of these families and seeing their children, some of whom had been forced to sleep on the street in the rain, made an impact on these officials. Both the pain they have suffered, and their determination will be hard for me to forget. Many of them have already gotten jobs—though they have been here less than a week—and they emphasized how they do not want to be a burden on “the system” but they just need help for a few months to get on their feet.
A special moment for me came when they asked me to lead the group in prayer. I prayed a bit and then the families named people they had left behind and wanted to pray for. It reminded me of our prayers together in worship. Lord, in your mercy: Hear our prayer.
Read the Washington Post story here: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2023/05/02/migrants-dc-hotels-buses-closed/