Stephen Ministry

Stephen Ministers are members of our congregation who are trained to listen, care, encourage, pray and walk alongside you during difficult times. It is confidential, free and very helpful.

If you are going through a tough time, struggling with a crisis in life or simply feeling down, talk with our Pastor or contact Stephen Leader, Karin Klingman (

Memorial Garden

Located just outside our sanctuary, the communion of saints on earth and saints in heaven is real for us. Ashes are interred directly into the earth throughout the garden and the names of the faithful who rest there are engraved on the stone wall of the church. Each All Saints Sunday we process to the garden for a litany of the saints. This peaceful and beautiful spot is a place for rest and prayer.

Faith Community Nurse

Our faith community nurse helps us build on and strengthen the capacity of individuals and families to become stewards of their health. She educates and motivates people to take positive action regarding wellness and prevention; appropriate treatment of illness; and mental, social and spiritual health within our local community and beyond.