The Food and Hygiene Pantry began in 2016 as a six-month trial with Housing Up families in two units (Partner Arms buildings 1 & 2). A third building in Southeast DC was added later. The organizers identified a core crew who would focus on the aspects of make monthly deliveries: a contact person with the Housing Up coordinator, a CLC Communications person to keep the congregation informed on ways to volunteer either with time, money, or donations of goods, inventory and delivery planners, shoppers, delivery prep team to label, bag, pack and deliver. Over time, the structure evolved into a central point person (presently Linda Ott) with a similar support team.

The items delivered the last Saturday of each month included food staples and cleaning and hygiene products. Canned chicken & tuna, pasta, tomato sauce, boxed macaroni and cheese, cereal, peanut butter, jelly, rice, and beans are examples of food staples provided to supplement the monthly food budget. Toilet paper, trash bags, paper towels, dish soap, laundry detergent, soap, toothbrushes & paste, mouthwash, diapers, and feminine products were products provided that were not covered with SNAP benefits. We extended the service to include school supplies in the fall and $25.00 gift cards in November and December. Joanne Noll lovingly made stockings that CLC members helped fill as a special December surprise.

After the pandemic, things changed, and we found our relationship with the Partner Arms buildings even more ambiguous. We were not able to get clear information about the tenants, especially the ages of the children, making it difficult to know what diaper sizes were needed and what toothbrushes to provide.

We had hoped to form relationships with the tenants in the buildings. In the past, Debbie Jones, Jackie McKie, and Lee Schray offered time and support to host parties and plant a garden. Pastor Renata conducted Bible Studies on occasion. Phil Collins often leaves books that are appropriate for young readers and videos for family viewing when he makes the monthly deliveries. PA-1 has expressed interest in the Peace Camp for next year for eligible youths.
As of September 2024, we are delivering to PA-1 only as it is the only building where we have useful information about the tenants and needs. PA-1 currently has tenants in13 of the14 apartments.

We are at a juncture to look at the Pantry and refresh our mission & vision for where it fits in CLC’s future.

© 2021 Lutheran Church Washington D.C

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