Creation is amazing! Take some fallen leaves, grass clipping, yard waste, add a little water and air and what do you get? Black gold! (otherwise known as compost). Composting is…
Many thanks to Tonya Holland for her sermon, “The Untouchables,” delivered on September 5, 2021.
U.S. representatives regularly return to their home districts to stay engaged with their constituents. Traditionally, August Recess is one such time – and while everyone needs some rest and relaxation,…
Many thanks to David Blakemore for sharing his testimony on his personal experience with white privilege during worship on July 25. For those who would like to read his reflection,…
“Purpose and Public Health” Cheryl Beversdorf, CLC member and host of Aging Matters, is featured in the August edition of Living Lutheran. Click HERE to read the article about Cheryl’s…
Uncertain times call for big dreams. This summer at CLC we are calling all singers, dancers, artists, storytellers, students, parents, and anyone else who wants to join us as we create our first ever online summer musical production: JOSEPH AND THE AMAZING TECHNICOLOR DREAMCOAT, and stitching together a digital performance throughout the summer.
In her most recent pastor message, Bishop Eaton writes: “In our longing to be church together, let us be even more intentional in sharing with each other, easing each other’s…
Check here for regular updates from DC government.